First Things First

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虽然南方中学的一些学生追随父母和祖父母的脚步, 大学的许多第一代学生正在为未来开辟新的道路 generations. 我们让一年级的第一代学生反思他们的经历.

Williams Hernandez威廉姆斯·埃尔南德斯是阿拉巴马州西奥多的第一代大学生, the Summer Start 这个项目减轻了他的恐惧,给了他在大学取得成功的信心 of South Alabama.

这位18岁的年轻人出生在亚利桑那州,但在莫比尔附近长大. He’s majoring in biomedical sciences.

“我真的很害怕,很紧张,但当我认识了一些同学后, we helped each other out. It got a lot easier. After Summer Start, we started a group chat on Snapchat. We wanted to know how everyone was doing. We stay in touch to this day.

“I’ve already met a lot of people at South. I have a good friend who’s Vietnamese, 他正在和我分享他的文化和食物. We stay late on campus, studying at the library. 我们去一家越南店买了两美元的春卷.

“我知道这很难,但我真的很想成功. I feel like if you want it, you can do it. You’ve got to come in with that mindset. You know, my 母亲来这个国家的时候怀了我. She took all these risks for me. I think about that a lot. So I want to make her proud.”

Madison Ryan麦迪逊·瑞安是阿拉巴马州塔斯卡卢萨市的第一代大学生 给她的朋友拍手机照片和宝丽来快照. It became her thing. At South, she’s majoring in 专攻摄影的美术.


“我正在上摄影入门课,班上只有我们八个人, 这很好,所以有很多和教授一对一的机会吗. I didn’t even know 我们将从胶片摄影开始,经历冲洗过程 and making prints. 真奇怪,不知道要怎么拍就拍照 turn out. 我们有很大的创作自由,我的朋友们为我做榜样,帮助我 out with my assignments.

“我在感性绘画课上发现了一个摄影专业的人. We have similar styles and common interests. Another of my friends is a graphic design major. We have a lot in common.

“我第一次见到我的室友,这是一种奇怪的经历. I haven’t shared 我从小就和别人住在一个房间里. I was worried that my roommate would be crazy, but she’s not crazy. 她来自彭萨科拉,她也在Publix工作过. 我们已经讨论过下学期再一起住的事了.”

Gary Morton加里·莫顿是一名退伍军人,正在学习成为一名 social studies teacher他的妻子也是一名退伍军人,是一名大四学生.

他曾在阿富汗的陆军情报部门服役,这有助于他理解冲突 that date back centuries.

“当我在英特尔工作时,我们是历史系的学生. You have to understand the 一个地方的文化以及他们是如何到达现在的位置的. American history has always been a big thing for me, too. 每次旅行,我都会买历史书 this or the history of that. 在这里的历史课上,我一直在讲,一直在做 part in the discussion.

“One of the teaching assistants said I have a feel for history; I have a passion for it. 我在想有一天我可以教学生十大彩票网投平台阿富汗战争的知识, and I was actually there.

“这里的大多数学生都是刚高中毕业,没有任何生活经验, so I get asked all kinds of questions. Hey, you’re an adult, what does this mean?

“我尽量享受大学生活,但基本上我把它当作一份工作. 你知道,我要还房贷,还车贷,所有的事情. I’m already thinking 我需要开始工作,这样我就可以为退休存钱了.”

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